Monday, July 9, 2018


HAPPY DIA DE INDEPENDCIA!! So proud of Argentina for being independent and being the best country in the world (other than the fact that we are still mourning the loss in the world cup).

So here in Argentina when someone walks in when we are all eating or when someone finishes their plate of food, everyone yells PROVECHO. And we all have to say gracias. And I still don’t understand. But ok. It’s funny. Anywwwways. There are two reasons why I named this email provecho
1. Cuz I was really hungry yesterday but we had to leave to visit some children of God so I washed my lettuce real quick and headed out the door. We were walking in the street and ran into some members and they said "Hermana Mannewitz. Why are you eating lettuce?"  Then when they were walking away, they yelled PROVECHO. jajaja 
2. Provecho means - take advantage of (and that’s why I don’t understand why they say it in lunch but bueno, I’ll hop off my soap box now).  Anyway, I have learned that we have to take advantage of EVERY MINUTE AND EVERY SECOND that we have in the obra misional cuz it goes by really fast. So if you are not pleased with what you are doing in your life, make the changes necessary because happiness is essential. 

·       In the middle of a lesson when a lady starts talking about Henry Ford - that he was a great man and was a man of great faith. Thank you. Back to Jose Smith
·       H Mann "what’s the awkwardest date you have ever been on? 
H Kamp "have you ever heard of chuck e cheeses?" jajajaja
·       When an old lady in relief society pulls out her magnifying glass to read a scripture. Made me smile.
·       A DOG ATE MY AGENDA. That’s it. I’ve had it with the dogs here in Argentina.

·       Damian is literally the best. He memorized the 5th article of faith and is currently memorizing the sacrament prayers. Most incredible 8 year old boy I know.
·       One day, various people gave us the following food: palta, eggplant, mini pumpkins and sugar. Thank you. 
·       Let me tell you a little bit about Serena. She’s the best. She has 18 years and is the person most excited for her mission that I have met in my entire life. Literally every day she talks about how excited she is for her mission. She accompanies us all the time and bears the sweetest testimony. She gets to start her mission papers in November and is already counting the days. She is a great example to me and helps me remember the GREAT opportunity I have to be a missionary for the true church. Sooooo blessed. 

“A fullness of joy" is found in the work of the Lord

Alma 29:10 “And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.”


Have a good week! Look both ways before crossing the street. Say your prayers! 


Hermana Mann 

my bff - Kati - she always gives me a hug so tight that I can't breath

HIJO MIO!  From Brazil

pls enjoy this photo of me and Valentina but more importantly, the grandma watching
the tele with  all her heart, might, mind and strength!  jajaja

Salta Sisters reunited

Zone Conference!  Las Hermanas in our little zone!

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